Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Defining success/ failure

Success is self satisfaction which you get from achieving your tasks and when you can be a sampler for others in a moral way. I have been successful in being captain of my volleyball team, getting into the college I wanted, and becoming a valedictorian. I achieved that success by working hard every day and putting the most important things in my life first.

I believe you have failed once you let yourself or others down. I feel like a failure every time I let my soccer team or parents down, for example the other day when I got a speeding ticket and my mom wasn't very happy with me. I live by the quote "Fail early, fail fast, and fail often" or else you won't take anything out of your experience and learn from it. 

I used to believe failure motivated me, but after exercising hard at the gym the first couple of weeks and not seeing any changes, I wasn't motivated to work any harder. I started to lose weight from soccer and that is what has kept me motivated to lose more and eat healthier. 

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